August 26, 2009

English Presentation

Todays post is quite special because I have dedicateed it especially for my classmates and of course my beloved lecturer, Miss Dila. This post is a brief review on what I presented in English for Pre-Medical Students class. I chose this wonderful disease, more likely a syndrome to be presented to the whole class.

I promised to my class that I would uploaad this movie on Edward's Syndrome

I found this video clip while browsing through And I felt that it was some sort of "calling" for me to spread the word of"Edward's Syndrome".

Just a brief introduction to Edward's Syndrome, it is a type of genetic disease that is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the eighteenth pair. So basically, its just like another type of chromosomal distruption just like Down's Syndrome.

So, for the rest of the story, you can watch this movie and maybe you can judge it by yourself want you think about Down's syndrome.

July 15, 2009

Reality Check-up!!!

Well it seems that university life is not all

"happily ever after"

its just not that packed like your school life

and it is undeniable that it really upholds our "childish dreams"

~no rules~

You can do what ever you want,

with no one to stop you,

except for your own principles and virtue that will certainly be tested

whether you awnt to do it or not.

So basically, its a free world here in INTEC,

but only bounded and restricted to what YOU believe in.

For now, life here is still simple and happy,

(everything seems to be normal and fine),

but I know that one day,

my principles wiil be tested,

and I hope that I won't break away.

So, let's do a reality check-up!

I have assignments to do

  1. Finish the slides for our Civilization presentation (Pharmacy)

  2. Finish the written report for our individual presentation for English (I'm writing about Edward's Syndrome)

  3. Finish full slide presentation + report for Biochemistry (it's about polymerase chain reaction a.k.a PCR) and for Biology (interesting topic about "endoscopes")

  4. and I almost forgot that I also have to finish our presentation for Islam and Medicine under the topic euthanasia.

And what is worrying me the most that all these assignments need to be finish in this month


Well, I guess that's enough for our reality check-up
(I think I'm having a headache right now)

July 14, 2009

New Grounds

Its been quite along time since my last post.
(I think it was last two weeks ago)
And it seems during this missing period,
many things has happen so quickly.

The most exciting thing (well it was quite exciting lah),
we've just finished our BTN.
Throughout the whole week,
there were some "hot issues"
that we discussed together,
while at the same time enjoying the beautiful scenery of Kem Sepang,
located near the beach
(even though we did not had the chance to go there).

We also did abseiling, which was quite fun
(it was nearly as tall as a four floor building).

But all in all, everything seems to be very relaxing during the BTN.
(It felt quite sad at the end of the week, because we had to face the reality world again)

So now,
I'm trying to settle back in INTEC again,
while cathching up with our studies and presentation.

These are the following things that happened throughout the week:

  1. Went to BTN. Came back from BTN.
  2. Our class has just been transferred to another block (U203)
  3. We've finally progressed through the second month of our Arabic Ammi class (no more Malay or English in class, or you'll have to pay 20 cents)
  4. Just had our third Biochemistry quiz yesterday about Lipid with our lecturer (nearly cried through the quiz!!!)
  5. My apartment is quite silent and lonely at night without the storm of the MTD students (they've gone to the BTN)
  6. The A-Level students have come back and taken over our class and cafeteria.
  7. Met a entire bunch of new faces including my schoolmates in the long course programs
  8. We're coming closer to the final end of our three months program in INTEC (OH MY GOD! We're going to Egypt soon!!)
That's all for this weeks' review, I hope next week will be even better!!!

July 2, 2009

~Sweet and Lovely~

Our role play just finished today,
and well, all I can say is
that everything went well
plus there were few funny scenes along the way.

Our mission,
was to create a real life situation between
a doctor and a patient
especially "breaking bad news" with patients.

All in all,
all 13 groups weer fantastic,
it was like watching a full theater
of 13 patients suffering from
multiple personality disorder (very funny), HIV+ (even funnier),
two shocked cases about leukemia, renal disease (with "rabbani")
and many more.

One of the funniest part was the HIV+ case,
about a patient taking his screening test before getting married,
saying "sweeeet and lovely"
at the beginning of his dialogue
about how wonderful getting married is.
The actor, in real life was quiet silent
but become the funniest actor in front of the class.

Another, scene still in the HIV+ case,
was when the doctor advised wearing.....condom to the patient
while showing it in its packet,
had actually raised the eyebrows of our lecturer,
asking how did we get the condom.

Well, after some explanations,
(a lecturer who was a pharmacist supplied it)
only then the lecturer was quite relieved.

With the end of our role-play session,
and after submitting our written report about
'Islamic Contributions in Pharmacy and Pharmacology"
for our Civilization in Islam course,
I'm feeling a lot better after finishing some of the assignments.
Now, i can concentrate on other assignments, as well for my BTN next week.

So, next week, all the MEPs are going to
Biro Tata Negara (BTN)
in Meru, Klang.
SO, for now I'm quite anxious about this program.
How is it going to be?

p/s: before I forget, I'm going to "Seminar Muslim Medic" this Sunday,
hope I can learn a lot of things.

June 30, 2009

The Day Before The Role-Play

Its beeen a while now,
since my last post from last week.
And thousands of things has happened
just in a short period.

We have just finished our second
Biochemistry test
it was about
And sure it was very tough.
Nothing's easy here.

And teh results to have come out,
and Alhamdulillah, it seems there has been some improvement.

But tomorrow there's going to be another test,
its the role play.
My partner, Ammar and I
are going to present a role-play between
a patient and his doctor.

So, I really hope everything is going to be fine tomorrow!

June 26, 2009

52 Hours Non-Stop Multilingual Public Speaking 2009

Earlier this week, on Wednesday,
was the closing ceremony of
52 hours non-stop multilingual public speaking 2009.

The main objective was
to create the first Malaysian record of 52 hours of non-stop public speaking.
Almost446 students took part to help create this record.

Each and every student that took part in this record
had to choose what language they wanted to use:
  1. Malay
  2. English
  3. Mandarin
  4. Tamil
  5. Arabic
  6. Russian
  7. Korean
  8. Japanese
  9. German
  10. French
  11. and of course....."Persian"
I also took part in creating this world record,
speaking Arabic
with the title: Unity Is the Basic to Success.

I also had the chance to witness the
closing ceremony
where Yaqzan was the second last speaker
and Madihah the last.

Everything was interesting and fun.
I gained a lot of experience through this.


Its been a while since I last posted something new in my blog.
So for this week,
I'm going to share something that happened
just earlier this week.

Or also known as
Kokurikulum-Pelajar Luar Negara,
is a programme that is specially prepared
by INTEC for students that are going to overseas.

this programme is held for long course students
ADFP, ACTP, Korean and Japanese Program.

However, it was starting by this year that
INTEC has decided to include
the short course students,
MEP and Russian Programme.

So, on that particular day (I can't remember when)
we all assembled at the main hall in INTEC.
I haven't told you but INTEC's building
is actually a school building.
However, INTEC can be called the "modern school".

We spent most of the day (a whole day)
doing discussions and group working a.k.a "LDKs"
The most memorable thing about the KO-PLN
was the unique song that we all had to sing together

"Kami anak muda,
Kami anak mulia,
Kami sayang diri sendiri."

"Ayuh kawan-kawan,
kita tunjuk bukti,
jaga maruah diri,
sampai ke mati."

My Beloved Hometown!

The place I"ll be for the next 6 years!!!

June 17, 2009

"Nasi Lemak" and Scombroid Toxicity

(Erm...someone's hungry)

What a very weird title for a post...?
But believe me or not,
by combining these two elements,
"Fat rice" (no lah, its the nasi lemak)
and.... Scombroid Toxicity
you will end up with the perfect
food-and-learning fiesta!!!

It all happened today,
on this beautiful Thursday.
Our normal Thursday schedule for today was:
  1. 2 hours of Introduction to Islam and Medicine
  2. 2 hours of English for Pre-Medical Students
  3. and finally another 2 hours for Arabic Ammi
However, two of my favourite subject today was canceled
and was going substituted on another day.
So we had just one class for today,
and that was English.

The most interesting part of todays class was
we did two things at the same time


Sounds funny but it was true.
Our kind lecturer had actually bought each of us a 'Nasi Lemak"
And truly, it was the best "Nasi Lemak" ever.

What was the most funniest thing about it was that
while we scrumptiously indulging in our "Sambal Heaven",
with some licking their fingers,
and some happily munching the crunchy cucumber,
our lecturer continued to teach us and we still responded.

It was a very effective way of handling a class
because everyone was listening
while filling up their tummy.

I hope next time we might have the chance to do this again.

(we learned about scrombroid toxicity while eating, hahaha)

p/s: about the scrombroid toxicity try to find it yourself,
it has something to do with fishes a.k.a dark meat.


Sounds like a very wierd title for a post
but this is the story behind it.

In my last post
I mentioned how challenging
it was to sit for a quiz that you are not really prepared for.

But somehow after the the long wait
our biochemistry lecturer finally gave back our papers.

(I wasn't this excited when I got my results)

Well I got 23.5/40 for my Biochemistry quiz.
I am not quite happy with the results
because I know I can do it better
but next time I'll just have to give my 100 % effort

This is one of the question:
Draw the basic water molecules and label its bonds.

This is how the answer should be
but I drew it............
well lets just say that if you looked at it
it would appear like a
"new discovery in the chemistry field"
(I should get a Nobel prize for this!!!)

What we can all learn from this is that
  1. Always be prepared for your exams
  2. Please do your revision or you'll really regret it
  3. You just have to learn to laugh at your silly mistakes
  4. And do it better next time.
We have just finished our Physiology quiz today
and I do hope that the results
will not be as "funny' as my Biochemistry paper.

June 10, 2009

Surprise, Surprise! It's Quiz Time!!!!

From my past experience at my old school,

exams were usually held at certain times

with mostly all the subjects crammed together in the same week.

So, it could be like having three weeks of exams for all the subjects,

and each paper will include all the syllabus for that certain subject.

However, in INTEC, everything is different.

It was just on this Tuesday,

that our class (I haven't mentioned it before, MEG2)

had sat for our first quiz that would affect our final score

for this subject which is......Biochemistry.

The quiz was quite tough altough
some of my classmates did it quite smoothly.
Well I guess it all comes back to you.
I should have spent more time on my lecture notes
How about you?

Before I end today's post,
let's listen to this story:

There was once 3 painters.
The first painter painted because his was afraid of his boss.
The second painter painted because he wanted the money.
The third painter painted because he loved painting houses.
Which painter would you want to be?

Our tutorial lecturer shared with us this story
and I wanted to share it with the whole world.

If you really wanted to be somebody

With that I end this post for today!

June 6, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Living in INTEC has never been this tough.

We live in a world where money is quite the "thing" that you always need.
Without it, life would be quite tough

And life in INTEC has been quite a challenging (financially) for me.
With almost no income, and scholarship money that has not been banked in yet,
I just have to be quite careful with each penny.

With university books that are quite expensive
( I have never met a book that costs RM 80.00),
I have to think twice when i want to eat at Rafi Bistro

(hahaha a very expensive "mamak restaurant)

With other priorities in mind, it seems that I just have to be
really, really, really careful

This video clip is quite funny.
I used it in my English for Pre-Medical Students class.
It was for one of my earliest presentation. My group did a presentation on "Yoga",
and we added this clip to "spice up" the presentation.
Although, at first the class did not laugh
(I don't know why....maybe they were stunned by this clip)
but finally the whole class erupted in fists of laughter. Hahahaha

June 5, 2009

A Dedication

For this entry's blog, I would like it to be a special dedication
to one of my classes here in INTEC.
As we all know, in this three (short) months of preperation before
"flying" to Egypt,
we are not only preparing to overcome the language barrier there in Egypt only,
but we are also preparing to become medical students
by taking up some of the medical subjects here in INTEC.
Among one of the subjects that I'm taking here in INTEC is,
English for Pre-Medical Students.
Sounds like a very tough subject but actually
it is one of most relaxing and enjoyable classes
ccompared to the other subjects.
Sincerely, so far the classes has been enjoyable.
For example, my recentenglish class was about
the presentation about various cultures in our world.
In fact it was really enjoyable as
we gained lots of new information in the most enjoyable way.
Like the Sangoma in Africa actually opened up my eyes on how people still believed in superstitious practice even in this era.
All in all, these English classes have been very interesting.

June 3, 2009

Fast and Flying

Fast and flying
(sounds like "fast and furious", hahaha)
is what I like to call the term that I use after going through several of the lectures here.
Its a different kind of teaching method that really dazzles me.
My experiences in some of the lectures where it is held in the frezzing lecture "hall", packed with three classes, has really becoming a challenge to me.
With lectures, "flying" through the subjects, you have to be really focused and
pay full attention to teh topic.
I know this might sound a little bit "negative", but seriously everyone in INTEC is facing the same situation. Like one of my tutorial lecturer said,
" in life you can choose to be a bee, and see "flowers" where ever you go,
but if you choose to be a fly, and you will see "garbage, trash and all the dirty things aroud you"
Sounds philoshophic right, haha
But truly, what she said touched me in a sense that, if you choose to be positive
then you will see the goodness and brightness in everything.
So, I'm taking this "fast and flying" situation as a challenge that I will have to face
with the help of many friends and through the guidance of my lectures
with some extra efforts.

May 27, 2009

The First Two Weeks

Goodbye~ to the past, and Hello~ to the future.

After nearly four months of relaxation at home, it is time to go back to school, ooppss.... wrong sentence, it time to go to university. These first two weeks in International Education Centre (INTEC) has been a new experience for me. Even after these two weeks, I'm still lost in the transition from a school student to become a university student. With no one to watch over you and almost no rules to abide (though there are stilll some rules you know), being a university student can be quite a freedom.

Some of the classes has already started and seriusly they shock me a lot. The fact that you have to be really fast and mentally prepared as some of the lectures here are very different from the way school teachers use (the spoon-feed method). You have to some times depend on friends and find other ways to help you "survive" through the classes.

Apart from that, through these two weeks, I have to be mentally prepared to face people from all walks of life. People I've never met before with astonishing and sometimes very weird personalities. However, you will always have to learn to accept everyone and to adjust to your environment.

Yup, these two weeks in INTEC have been quite normal for me, but you may never no what really awaits for you in the future.